Although the whole family couldn't be there, most of us were together for part of the time. The grandchildren loved the sand and the ocean. They had a great time.
We were all a little burned out, so we spent most of the time just relaxing together. With a few little problems, the condo was great. I think it was a good way to spend the last of Rick's trade account. It would have only been better if the hot water heater had not died toward the end of our stay and the sofa bed had been usable. (OK, I am trying to be positive. Hot water and a decent bed are big negatives when they are missing, but everyone tried to be a good sport about it.) The view from the 25th floor was unbelievable. What luck to be on the top floor.
This shot was at sunset from the balcony of our condo.
The weather was perfect! The only rain we saw was as we were going back to the condo on the last night we were there. It was warm enough to be in the water all week. It turned cool the morning we left to come home.
Here are a few shots of the family playing in the water and on the beach.
I'll close with one of my favorite pictures from the week.